Mother Teresa's sainthood

I’m delighted to hear Mother Teresa will be canonized a saint this year. Her love and care for the dying has long impressed many with her holiness. But after hearing of her dark periods when she felt abandoned by God and even doubted the existence of God, I think her saintliness is even more noteworthy. To dedicate her life to the destitute of India for over 50 years without the consolation of God’s presence is remarkable. Her acceptance of each person, no matter how dirty or diseased they were, as the embodiment of Christ inspired even the most hardened heart. And her devotion to prayer through years of depression and doubt  endears her to me even more. The ordinary person would abandon good works and prayer and indulge in self-pity or resentment if there were no consolation. Most of us think that when we do good, God will reward us with feeling good. Yet she plodded on with her exemplary life without the assurance that she was blessed in any special way. Few people knew of her darkness and some thought it meant she could not be considered a saint. However, those who were privileged to know her interior life, realized what a courageous, holy woman she was. I got to hear her speak once and she was so humble and so real I knew I was in the presence of greatness. Mother Teresa, pray for us. 


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