Are you there, Lord?

How long, O Lord, will you hide from me?
I yearn to see your face, to feel your presence,
but you keep fading into emptiness, covered
in a shroud – unfathomable mystery.
I want a God with skin, with features,
not holy card piety, but real flesh and bone.

When I read the scriptures where you say,
“You are precious in my eyes and I love you” (Is.4:3)
I want to believe. When you tell me,
“Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find,
knock and the door will be opened. . .” (Mt.7:7) 
I want to respond. When you remind me,
“I was hungry and you gave me food,” (Mt. 25:35)
I want to hear your voice.
Yet I hesitate, unsure that you are really
talking to ordinary, run of the mill, unimportant me.

Lord, open my eyes, let me know you are close to me
in all the faces I behold, enfleshed in each person I meet.


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