Days Flow By

A clock records the minutes and

seconds of each new day. It never

misses a beat whether we are aware

or not, unless we have a stop watch

to record how much time has elapsed.


But most of the time we are unaware

of the days rushing down the stream

of our lives, acquiring a few rocky,

muddy detours along the way.


We’d like to stop the clock

or even reverse the years gone by

that we have taken for granted --

failed to drink in the freshness

of the life-giving well.


We wish we could store up  

the flood of minutes we often waste,

to keep the reservoir in reserve

to use as we grow old and arid.


When we were young and flowing

with delicious freshness, we soaked

in days like a sponge. Now we can

barely wring out a few drops

as time zaps our strength.


Yet we need to be grateful

for each new day whether it

holds flowing rivers or tiny oases,

it showers blessings in abundance.


Barbara Mayer, OSB


  1. Beautifully said. We all need to make time for the important things in life like faith and family


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