Lenten Musings

Lent 2018 | Emmanuel Church | Church Website

When I was young I thought of Lent as a time to give up things like candy or desserts or TV programs. Six weeks is a long time when you're giving up things you like. Of course, I failed perodically and then felt guilty, starting over again with new resolve.

Now I see Lent as a time to reflect more deeply on the Scripture readings of the day, to be more faithful to prayer, and to practice works of charity. It's still long, but not as painful. Of course, I have the advantage of living in a religious community with the support of others' good example.

We have numerous opportunities for prayer and good works. All we need to do is push ourselves a little more. When I'm feeling a little lazy or selfish, I look at our sisters in our care home still participating in prayer, still helping others, still doing handiwork for our gift shop, and I am edified. God gives us this special time to get back on track and to become the kind of persons we want to be.

In his Rule, St. Benedict says that our lives ought to be a continuous Lent, but ordinary monastics are not up to that. Most of us are a bit sluggish and require reminders and encouragement. We are like
fallow fields that need to be plowed and fertilized so they can produce a good crop. Lent is our plowing season to get rid of the weeds and clods that hinder us from being productive. We do not become good soil by sitting idle or wishing someone would do the work for us. God calls each one of us to use this season to become more fruitful, more holy. 


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