Out of the Depths I call to you, O Lord

Image result for voting booth images"The source of spiritual wisdom is to hold questions and contradictions patiently, much more than to find quick certitudes, to rush to closure or judgment, as the ego and dualistic mind want to do."                                                                                                                      — Richard Rohr

After this 2016 election, I was full of questions and contradictions. I was quick to judge that this was a catastrophe for our country. How could voters choose a man so unfit and so xenophobic to be our president.

 So I prayed for insight and understanding. I am trying to be patient and not look for “quick certitudes” as I try to live with the reality of a president-elect who seems so far from what I hoped for and opposite of what I believe in.

Maybe I need to take time to feel more of the pain that the unemployed, the rejected, and the marginalized experience daily. Maybe I need to ponder the plight of those who have not achieved the American dream, have not had the opportunities for education, travel, and spiritual growth that others have had. Maybe I need to wrestle with the contradictions in my life that fail to inspire others and perhaps even give scandal.

Lord, help me to view this world as you see it, broken, vulnerable, and splintered, and still love it. Give me an open-mindedness that is willing to wait and see rather than rush to judgment. Teach me to be patient with the ways you work in people and change them, and to know that all is possible in the sure but slow unfolding of your divine plan.  


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