Fire in our Bellies

“When the Advocate comes whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father, he will testify to me.” (John 14:18)
Image result for pic of holy spirit fire

Jesus did not leave us orphans. He sent the Advocate, the Spirit of truth, to accompany us on our journey. The Spirit gives us courage, strength, enthusisam to be witnesses to the Resurrection.  

Without the Spirit, the apostles were fearful, flagging, discouraged. When the Spirit descended on them, they were on fire, preaching, healing, baptizing.  He put fire in their bellies. They were indefatigable in their ministry to both Jews and Gentiles.

We have this same Advocate interceding for us, stoking our cold ashes, sparking new flames within us. We too can be healers and encouragers in our communities, in our world.  God gives each of us a mission, a call, to be a light in the darkness. And there is plenty of darkness: sin, war, abuse, neglect, hatred, racism, and death. 

Each day we need to pray for renewed urgency to be witnesses to the power of the Spirit. No matter our age or gifts or vocation, we can make a difference. There are so many justice issues to stand up for such as immigration, women's rights, equality of races, care for our environment, and fair wages. With the Spirit we can set the world ablaze. 


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