Changing Hearts
"The Spirit frees hearts chained by fear," Pope Francis said in his Pentecost homily last Sunday. "To those content with half measures he inspires whole-heated generosity. He opens hearts that are closed."
We know how the apostles locked themselves in the upper room after Jesus' crucifixion for fear they too would be sentenced to death. Even after the resurrection they were still on shaky ground when it came to preaching boldly and healing people. But when the Holy Spirit shook them on Pentecost they spoke with a new boldness and a joyful zeal.
The power of the Spirit can change us too. "It does not revolutionize life around us, but changes our hearts," the pope said."It does not free us from the weight of our problems, but liberates us within so that we can face them..
The gifts the Spirit brings are peace, joy, wisdom, and understanding. Instead of anger and bitterness he enables us to forgive as we have been forgiven. He replaces our doubt and confusion with new insight. Knowing many are heavily burdened, the Spirit lifts us up with a wondrous joy.The Spirit is like a spiritual blood transfusion transforming our weary hearts with new life.
The pope offered a special prayer for peace in the Holy land, especially in Gaza where violence broke out in early May causing the deaths of 60 people. He prayed that the Holy Spirit would "blow upon our world the soothing warmth of peace and the refreshing cool of hope."
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