What do you know about our newest saint?

Mother Teresa with Sister Kathleen Egan, OSB, and Father Pat Tobin.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta was proclaimed a saint by Pope Francis on Sept. 4. Everyone knows about her work with the poor and forgotten of the world. But during the canonization process, letters revealing her darkness were published and some people were scandalized.  It was a little disconcerting to realize that she suffered from depression and doubts during her life. She always seemed to be so dedicated and holy.

After seeing a movie about her life recently, I learned that she struggled with her “call within a call” to serve the poor instead of teaching wealthy Indian girls. When she started her ministry to the poor in Calcutta, she encountered suspicion by some of the Hindus who thought she was trying to convert their children. Her religious order was also reluctant to heed her request for exclaustration. Also, Church officials were slow in approving her request to begin a new religious order to serve the dying and abandoned.

In addition, in spite of all the good work she did and acclaim she experienced, she felt no consolation. She felt like God had abandoned her. But a bishop once reminded her that God’s presence was also in the poor she ministered to. One priest who knew her decribed her as very ordinary and very realistic.

I find it encouraging to know that she experienced dryness in prayer and doubts in her spiritual life. In one of her letters, she stated: “If I’m going to be a saint, I’m going to be a saint of darkness, and I’ll be asking from heaven to be the light of those who are in darkness on earth.” St. Teresa, pray for us.  


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