Remembering 9/11

Product DetailsOur country always seemed safe and protected from international attack until September 11, 2001. Since then, terrorism has spread to our shores, and Homeland Security has greatly increased its safety inspections and investigations. We no longer take our safety for granted on planes, buildings, or any place where crowds are gathered. The new 9/11 memorial in New York is a reminder of the nearly 3,000 people who died when the World Trade Center was demolished by two suicide plane attacks. It was a crushing blow to our country, one we will never forget. It is good to remember especially those who gave their lives trying to save others, firefighters, police, medical personnel, and co-workers.

Jesus tells us several times in the gospel, "Do not be afraid." He tells us to trust him and to pray for our enemies. That is a real challenge in these times of radical Islamic and other terrorist attacks.We must pray that their hearts may be changed and cherish our freedom. We must live by love not hate, or we will become like those who want to destroy us. When Jesus was crucified, he said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." That is what Jesus asks of us, but it is probably the hardest thing we have ever been called to do.


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