Respect for Others
It is hard to teach children respect for people of color, other religions, other cultures, when we hear presidential candidates who disdain and make derogatory comments about these groups. It would seem that educated, cultivated leaders would know better how to treat those who are fellow human beings on our one planet. Have they no understanding for how unintelligent and prejudiced they sound to those who have been raised on Judeo-Christian principles? Have they no regard for the U.S. Constitution which states unequivocally that "all men (sic) are created equal and have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?" If they hope to get the vote of decent, God-fearing people, they ought to take a serious look at their rhetoric and see how it is alienating and divisive. If they truly want to make America great again, they would uphold our nation's founding principles and promote ways that unify rather than divide. Then we might be able to look to candidates who have integrity, intelligence, and concern for the common good to be examples for our children. Enough of the bad-mouthing and violent speech! We want candidates we can admire and emulate.
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