Set Free from Our Tombs
On Easter Sunday we celebrated Christ rising victorious from the tomb. When all the hopes and dreams of the disciples seemed doomed, he bursts through the stone enclosure and appears alive and glorified. He appeared first to Mary Magdalen in the garden and then to all the apostles locked in the upper room. It is the same awe-filled story every year yet ever new.
We too are called to rise from our tombs of addictions, prejudices, hatred and revenge to become a new creation. Too long have we dwelt behind these enslavements, imprisoned, hampered from being truly free. Jesus invites us to break open the stones of oppression and walk in the newness of life. He not only invites us, but gives us the strength to sever the bonds if we only believe and open our eyes to behold him in his glory. Like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, our sadness is turned into joy as Jesus reveals the meaning of the scriptures to them. May we along with them recognize him in the breaking of the bread. Alleluia!
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