God, My Rock and Refuge

"I love you Lord, my strength,
Lord, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer."  Ps. 18:2

Psalm 18 contains many names for God. For example: rock, fortress, deliverer, shield, saving horn, stronghold.  It is reassuring to think of God with these names, especially if we are experiencing some hardship or threat. God, our protector, provides us with courage in times of trouble. 

Joyce Rupp encourages us to use fresh images for God based on our relationship with the Divine. If we see God as our companion, we might address him as soul-friend. If we think of God as our refuge, we might call him our safe-haven. If we look on God as our sustenance, we could think of him as our life-giver.  

Whatever emotion we are feeling, God is with us. He wants us to call on him in times of trouble, as well as times of joy. He desires to be our beloved companion when we are lonely, our safe sanctuary when we are fearful.  He accompanies us in the deserts of our lives, to provide refreshment. He is with us in our pain and weakness, to keep us moving forward. 

God, you are a poem that sings in my heart; you are a mother that comforts my bruises, a tree that shelters me when the storms batter my soul. Stay with me, Lord, in all my ups and downs.


  1. Maxine Staggs7 May 2022 at 08:50

    Thank you, Sister Barbara Ann.

  2. Lovely thought into words!❤️

  3. God is always with us. May we see and feel him everywhere. ❤️


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