Tiny Virus Creates Tsunami

A microscopic virus, tinier than a speck
brought the world to its knees. Not enough 
ventilators, not enough breathing tubes, 
not enough space for those who were struck down. 

The pandemic spread from country to country, 
leaders issuing stay-at-home orders which many ignored. 
Large group meetings and events cancelled,
churches closed, people connecting through Zoom,
Facebook and e-mail. Scarcity spread as some 
hoarded. Fear prevailed as this evil obliterated 
thousands of people before scientists could find
a successful vaccine. 

When a vaccine was developed, the world rejoiced,
although doubt inhibited some to take the jab.
Then variants appeared, hospitals again overwhelmed, 
health care workers unable to keep up with demands 
for treatment of a new plague, fierce Omicron exploding
and threatening our world with increased devastation.

This crisis demands action, testing to stop the spread
before it creates an uncontrolled phenomenon. Naysayers,
deniers, false news mongers must be silenced.
We must be safety nets for those who fail to see,
to be harbingers of hope to our precious world.  


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