Of Wings and Webs

Image result for leaf stuck in web trap
Wraithlike strands cradle the leaf
caught unawares floating in the air,
oblivious to things like spiders weaving webs,
helpless in a sticky filament hanging from the branch.

I thought of the psalmist crying, “Hide me in the shadow of your wings!” God too can catch creatures unaware, gather them into a warm embrace like an eagle hovers over its little ones. 
When we least expect,
he seizes us and will not let go, enfolding us
with loving care, knowing how fragile,
how feeble we are.

We cannot escape this nurturing,
loving God who clasps us in his Spirit wings.
Like leaves caught in a web, 
we surrender to the Divine Weaver, 
sheltered from the raging storms of life.


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