Who Cares?

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Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring, was one of the early writers to call our attention to caring for the earth.  She was both a scientist and a writer, and was able to convey the beauty of creation as well as expose the evils of pesticides and contaminating substances.  Her books and articles helped to get DDT banned for use in killing mosquitos and other insects.  She shared her love of the ocean and its inhabitants, as well as the wilderness with its myriads of plants and animals. Her writing often reads like poetry and moved many people to action in the 1940s-50s.

She would have been pleased with Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si” about care for our common home, but alarmed at the fracking oil drilling that is ruining our land, the pollution that is fouling our air and water. We need more voices like Carson and Francis. And we need more people and countries to take global warming and pollution seriously before it is too late.
It is difficult to understand how some can ignore or negate what the majority of scientists have proven about climate change. The evidence is there for anyone with an open mind and willingness to face the facts. We have a narrow margin of time for turning around the desecration and ruination of land, air, and water. Future generations will not forgive our negligence and complacency.


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