Undergoing Conversion

When my imperfections flood my thoughts
drowning out any tinge of virtue, blocking
Inspirational Wall Quotes | Wall Decals | Wall Artall my attempts to acquire holiness,
I deride and pummel myself, feeling
dysfunctional and unworthy.
It does no good to say I am not as bad
as some, that others also have faults
perhaps more glaring. Mine become
amplified by their closeness, enlarged
by the  magnifying lens of my scrutiny.

I find some consolation in the psalms
that remind me of God’s everlasting
love, that his kindness endures forever,
his mercy has no limits, his fidelity
remains even when mine fails.

Oh, God, take my feeble efforts
to let your light shine through me,
and transform me into your likeness,
millimeter by millimeter, until all
the dross is washed away.


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