Dark Times

Dark Times

(Pictured in photo: Harriet Tubman)

The world seems very dark these days. Dark from evil, hatred, and violence. Martin Luther King lived in a similar world. He admitted, “The nation is sick. Trouble is in the land. Confusion all around.” But he told the people, “Only when it is dark enough, can you see the stars.“

We need to look closely to see the stars around us, to see the boldness of people who risk their lives to save those in danger, especially war. To observe the moral stature of those who speak out against injustice and evil. To see the courage of those who overcome prejudice and adversity. To observe the bravery of those who protect those shunned by society, even when it means rejection by their peers. 

There are many stars barely visible, not yet in the public eye. These people go about doing the right thing, give the honest response, often unnoticed by others. We hope they will continue to have the courage to speak the truth whatever the consequences. Jesus tells us to overcome evil with good. If enough good people speak the truth and stand up for justice, we can survive these dark times. 

These times call for resilience and fortitude. I’m reminded of Souljourner Truth (women’s rights activist), Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Harriet Tubman (conductor on Underground Railroad), Rosa Parks and so many others. They fought for what they believed in, and when they were challenged, they did not give up. They kept on fighting. If enough courageous people keep on doing the right thing, are not afraid of criticism, and band together with like-minded people, the stars will break through the darkness. We can bring light back into our broken world.


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