New Revelations

The new James Webb Space Telescope, which reveals the depths of space back to the beginning of time, made exciting news this week. The little square on our screen with thousands of colored pinpricks represents a minuscule section of space with myriads of galaxies, stars, and dark holes that are light years away. The ordinary person finds this hard to grasp, but astronomers and astrophysicists are thrilled at  how much more they will be able to learn about the universe with this high-powered telescope. 

I am sure the prophets and psalmists, who proclaimed the wonders of creation perceived only with the human eye, had no idea what more there was to see. Yet, they knew God had created a magnificent universe and they praised God for all that he had made. They would have run out of words had they really beheld the mysteries beyond the wonders they saw.

And how do we react to these magnificent revelations? Certainly most of us are awestruck, amazed, flabbergasted. The mystery of the universe is still beyond comprehension, but it ought to lead us to ever greater gratitude and praise of God. We are mere specks in the cosmos, yet God cares for us as if we were the only ones alive. 

Albert Einstein once wrote: "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed." 

We praise you God for the mysteries you have created and lead our scientists to discover!           



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