Works of Mercy

One of the most challenging gospels in Scripture is Matthew 25. Jesus tells his disciples about the Last Judgment, when he will say to his followers, “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was naked and you clothed me,” etc. When they asked in surprise, ”When did we see you hungry or thirsty or naked?" He answered, “As long as you did it to these least little ones, you did it to me.”

Missionary of Jesus Sister Norma Pimentel lives this gospel every day as she works at the Rio Grande border, helping refugees who are fleeing from extreme poverty or violence. As head of Catholic Charities at the border, she and her helpers provide lifesaving assistance for 80 to 120 refugees a day. They give food, clothing, a hot shower and a mat for sleeping to each one, until families or sponsors send passes allowing these displaced persons to continue on to a new home.  

Yet, some conservative groups are criticizing Catholic Charities and other agencies for the humanitarian aid they provide. These groups accuse the workers of causing chaos at the border.

Since when is helping the poor a violation of the law? Sister Norma has been commended by Pope Francis and honored by church and non-religious groups for her work. She is careful to use any donations received for direct service to those in need. She does not interfere with Border Patrol officers and only provides assistance to those who have navigated the complex immigration process. 

For those who take Jesus’ commands seriously - and who want to face the Last Judgment with confidence - helping those in need, whether across the country or right next door, is a marvelous way to put His words into action.


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