White Privilege & Racism

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We have heard a lot about white privilege lately, and hopefully people are beginning to examine their consciences about their complicity in the treatment of  people of color.. Many whites have taken for granted their ability to obtain good jobs, be treated with respect, walk and drive safely anywhere they want to go. If whites even notice that they are treated differently, they just accept it as normal. And sadly, some policemen who are supposed to uphold the law with equal justice toward all, are treating blacks shamefully.

The death of George Floyd at the hands of police has triggered protests around the country and  hopefully something will change. Many blacks and whites are coming together to demand  that white policemen be convicted for cruel and unjust treatment of people of color. Thankfully mini-cameras are capturing the police actions and can be used as evidence.

It is not just one instance. It happens over and over agaiin, recently to a black man in Tacoma, Washingon, and a black woman in Louisbille, Kentucky. Some white policemen seem to think nothing of using their clubs and guns on often times innocent black people. There have been too many cover-ups, too many unfair trials.

How can the Ku Klux Klan continue to strike fear in the South?  How can juries still acquit policemen who have openly inflicted cruelty, even death, on black people? How can we ignore injustice when we see it so blatantly exhibited?

White privilege and racism must end. Although it is engrained in our culture, we must eradicate it with every fiber of our being. We need to make our country a land of freedom, justice, and opportunity for all. We need leaders who will uphold our founding principles and work for unity instead of division, acceptance instead of predjudice, love instead of hatred. 


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