Dailyness of Life

  Image result for pics of ordinary life

Life is made up mainly of ordinary days. The routine of rising, eating breakfast, going to work, making supper, washing dishes, doing laundry, sleeping goes on without too much change. Sometimes boredom creeps in and we wish for something different.

That's when we need to sit back and be grateful for the "dailyness," the gift of being able to live our
days without having to worry about having enough food, of having a job, of living without violence, of enjoying air conditioning, means of travel, clean air to breathe (for the most part), electricity, and many other modern conveniences. If we had been born in Africa, many parts of Asia, some parts of Latin America, we could not count on these things.

When life seems humdrum, I think about the immigrants seeking asylum and a better life, and realize how blessed I am. When I think of children growing up in the midst of war and lack of food and health care, I am ashamed of my complaints. When I think of people living under dictators with little freedom, I know how fortunate I am.

Ordinariness looks very appealing compared to the way probably 80 percent of the world has to live. So when our days seem routine, when there's nothing new under the sun, count your blessings. Be grateful for freedom, for the right to worship, the right to vote, the right to protest. Cherish the privileges you have and protect them. Be glad for peaceful ordinary days.   


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