Samaritan Woman

When all the women were gone, she came
to fetch water to avoid the gossip, surprised
to find a Jewish man asking her, a foreigner,
for a drink. When he told her he had living water

 she wondered where his bucket was, puzzled
by his words, amazed he knew all about her.

Is this the Prophet people have been waiting for?
Leaving her water jug behind, she ran to the town
proclaiming she had found  the Messiah who 
had living water and they came to believe her.

She thirsted for the water Jesus promised
as do we, often unaware that it gushes within
to fill our need for refreshment and  cleansing,
to replenish our weary bodies and heavy hearts.
We can leave our water jars full of stagnant water
behind and drink from the spring flowing within,
the God-well that never runs dry.

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