Sin of Complacency
Complacency is not listed in the usual examination of conscience. But maybe it ought to be. Many of us tend to get in a rut and never stray from our comfort zone. We avoid things that might challenge or stretch us. Someone said, "Never get too comfortable, always challenge yourself. Comfort oftentimes creates conditions for complacency. Go harder, dig deeper, push." Explorers often discover new paths and adventures that make life more exciting; curious people learn better ways to solve problems. Creative people tend to be more energetic, more interesting, more alive. Every day is fresh with possibilities. They look upon challenges as opportunities to learn, not as obstacles to avoid. We need to inquire, to probe, to question the status quo. When people are complacent, they often accept unjust situations and unfair practices. They don't want to rock the boat or ruffle anyone's feathers. Sometimes they just do things because they've always done them that way. As we grow older, it's harder and harder to venture into the unknown, to overcome our fears. Some people say they will never learn to use an IPad or a Kindle or an IPhone. They abhor the social media phenomena. That's their choice, but the challenge could open up a whole new world to them and keep their minds alert. If we do not want to become obsolete or immovable, we have to "go harder, dig deeper, push."
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