When the grass needs mowing, Sister Helen Mueting is always ready to pitch in.
I recently heard a sister say one of her practices for Lent was a willingness to be inconvenienced. I thought about how difficult that is for most of us. We have our agendas and want to get things accomplished. It's hard when something (or someone) interferes with our plans. Yet don't we find that often the unplanned situations are times of grace? I remember someone asking my help with a project and in the process I learned some new skills. Another time I stopped to assist an older sister who was having difficulty navigating, and her grateful smile made my day. I also recall getting irritated when something caused me to be late for dinner or miss my favorite TV program. I began thinking about how often Jesus interrupted his preaching to heal someone in the crowd or gather children around him. He was never too busy to reach out to those in need. Why do I think my schedule is so important that I cannot take time for others? Jesus calls us to be servants, not to accomplish everything on our to do list. If we could see the inconveniences as graced moments God is giving us, we might respond more generously. A good practice for Lent and for life.
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