
Showing posts from September, 2024
  A Woman of Courage To climb a mountain, the highest mountain in the world, Mt. Everest, is a challenge beyond my comprehension. Yet Lhakpa Sherpa, a poor, uneducated woman from Nepal, climbed to the top of Mt. Everest ten times. No other woman has ever accomplished this feat. In 2022, her last climb, at age 48, was celebrated by family and fellow Nepalese along with journalists and many admirers. She is an inspiration to Nepalese women and women around the world. Lhakpa worked doing dishes and cleaning houses to earn money for the equipment to make the climb as well as to raise her two children. She walked a lot but did not have any training in climbing mountains.   She overcame an abusive husband and other setbacks, but she achieved her dream.  “Never give up,” she writes on her website. “Keep going and follow your dreams no matter what. We make our own world. Don’t try to do everything but do what you love. And someday you might climb your Everest.” That’s great advice: “Do what yo
  Inspired by Scholastica Psalm 16 (adapted) Watch over me, Lord, place your protective cloak over my weak, frail body. Help me in my need. You are my savior You lift me up.   I used to honor false gods, wealth, fame, security, things that are useless. Now I put them aside and honor your name.   Lord, you are my God, You lead me and guide me, You lift me up when I fall. Take away my broken spirit to live with you forever.   God teaches me and all those who long for life what we must do. He is here with us, we can stand firm.   I rejoice in my God who dwells in me and steadies my steps. I walk secure.