Frugality vs. creativity.
When I was in 6th or 7th grade we were asked to make a sacrament booklet. We were supposed to explain and illustrate the seven sacraments. I worked hard on it but it looked stange because I filled every line to the edge of the paper and hypenated the words in awkward places. I don't know why I felt I had to cram the words together so tightly. Looking back I think I was trying to save paper. I do tend to be frugal with using up scraps and not wasting paper or other things. My mother was overly thrifty so I'm sure I learned it from her. I think it hampered my creativity and ability to try new ways of doing things. My style was cramped as my life was cramped in many ways. I was expected to do things one way, my mother's way. I was not encouraged to explore and dream and fantasize. As an adult I'm still hampered by my background. I have tried new things, but I still hate to waste anything. When I embroider, I use the thread to the shortest possible length. I use p...