First American-born Saint
The beatification of Father Stanley Rother, a priest from Oklahoma who was killed by death aquads in Guatemala in 1981, drew over 17,000 people to the Convention Center in Oklahoma City on September 23, 2017. It was an elaborate ceremony with a cardinal, bishops, priests, and people from around the country in attendance. It seemed ironic that this man who was rejected by his first seminary for failing his studies, yet persisted in his desire to be a priest, would become the first American-born saint. He volunteered to be a missionary to Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala, and translated the New Testament into Tz’utujil , the native language of the people. He also built a church, a hospital and worked as a farmer among his parishioners. After receiving death threats from government officials, he briefly returned to Oklahoma, but soon went back because he felt a shepherd should not desert his flock. He returned to Guatemala not to die, but to live because his ministry there ...